Unlock Your Space’s Potential with Controlling Chaos Professional Organizing

Your Key to Effortless Order & Simplified Living

Looking to ease the stress of organizing your home, business, or upcoming move without the burden of doing it yourself? We can help! Send us a message and we’ll swiftly be in touch.

You Already Work Hard.

We make your space work for you, not the other way around.

Imagine your home being your:

  • Relaxing Oasis to unwind and renew your energy

  • Blissful Escape from the chaos of the outside world

  • Safe Space where you feel secure and at ease

  • Proud Reflection of your passions and interests

  • Retreat from life’s stressors, not the cause of them

  • Triggered upon walking through the door

  • Furious because you can’t find anything

  • Embarrassed to have friends and family over

  • Guilty because you should’ve done it by now

  • Exhausted from poor sleep due to the chaos

Let Us Do The Heavy Lifting. Bid Farewell To Feeling:

Our Method at Controlling Chaos is not only designed to restore order in your life, but allow you maintain it.

Each project is tailored to the needs of our individual clients, but our goal always remains the same:

To make room for what matters.

Professional Organizing Services

We offer comprehensive organizing solutions from decluttering and organizing, to hauling away donations and trash. Whatever your needs, we are here to provide efficient solutions for everyday chaos.



Be Real.

Is Clutter Worth Your Sanity?

You could clean your house yourself, but you hire a house cleaner.

You could paint a room yourself, but you hire a painter.

You could mow your lawn yourself, but you hire a landscaper.

You could PROBABLY clear the clutter yourself…

but you’re not.


Licensed, Insured, Confidential


Text or Call: 201-739-1679


Morris County, New Jersey

Monday - Friday 7am-4pm EST

Private Policy

